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paqa6i4m   [Dec 10, 2012 at 12:19 AM]
Li Liang and his associates in 2008, two theft to the construction site, accomplices was arrested, http://www.airjordan6pascher.com/ , but he ran, http://www.monclerpascher20l3.com/ . Later Liang labor service companies to send work destined for Libya. During working abroad, Liang is listed as online fugitives, http://www.moncler20l2-fr.com/ . Later, (...) , Libya experienced the war, he was removed to return to Qingdao, and no one was arrested at the airport.

I feel very lucky. Calm demeanor Liang (a pseudonym) standing on the judgment seat, sometimes mouth emerge out of a trace imperceptible smile. The gallery, Liangs wife lookin tears, bow their heads in silence, only occasionally looked up only when the judge examined two. She was one of from the hands clutching a small cloth inside the home linshu came ready Liang fruit, snacks. Suffered war unrest, Liang said he is tired of flight career, (...) , and now just want good transformation, http://www.wedding80.com/ , for early and family reunion, (...) .

Location: Qingdao City Detention Center

After the end of the trial, (...) , several of Liangs relatives and friends told reporters: He went a step is ignorance of the law, but fortunately (from Libya) back to the boss at home this year, (...) , (...) , was admitted to the university, and also very disappointing. Since Lee bright destined for Libya in July 2009 to work, which is Liangs wife first met him, (...) , but she did not expect to meet was actually on this occasion. Liangs wife in the hands of its grip cloth, because the relevant provisions, http://www.airjordan6pascher.com/ , the last has not been sent out. Trainee reporter Xu Yongguang

Fled Libya, he experienced the war


Liang rural home in Linyi, http://www.monclersitoufficiale4s.com/ , the condition of the home has been poor in 2008, when he needed money: two children are in school, the advanced age of parents but have fallen ill. Working in Qingdao Liang anxious, obsessed with how to get some money? At this time, usually working with several workers found him: At night we are going to get some steel pipes, building materials, your car how to give us? Trip to give you 50 yuan. Liang primary school Xiangyemeixiang to promise , He said he was slaving away at the site dry day to earn $ 40, evening open trip three can earn $ 50, why quit? But finished the job this time, he regretted, this is simply to steal! But the second time they came to him for help, the temptation of money or allow him to take the risk again, (...) , but this time they missed, http://www.monclersitoufficiale4s.com/ , several workers have been arrested, Liang fluke fled back home, but in the end could not escape legal sanctions.

Crime due to the temporary Caimixinqiao

Liang thefts committed by ordinary, (...) , because I have experienced in Libyan war, so his experience is a bit special. Talking about days in Libya, Liang said that he no longer wanted to go experience. The most turbulent times, the culprits directly with a gun burst into their site, saying they do not understand the language, began looting. Sometimes trucks transporting building materials halfway cut, (...) , they would be driven down, http://www.moncler20l2-fr.com/ . The that Huoer culprits also stormed the camp, set fire to our luggage, warning that we must leave within five days. Recall that period of unrest in years, Liang is still a lingering fear: We all remember the Guan Shier sentence : To what to what, life insurance matters. Later, the Chinese Embassy in Libya and construction company located in Liang made contact, they finally batches riding on a truck bound for the port - there is a cruise bound for distant motherland.

Time: September 5, 2011

Defendant: Liang (a pseudonym)

Just off the plane caught

Your passport, take a trip with us now. March 2, http://www.monclerpascher20l3.com/ , 2011, Liang just off the plane, airport security took he stopped. Liang heart suddenly come to understand: the past or to. Liang received the familys home ship overseas phone: you on the net and escape list, surrendered it to come back early. Liang this after returning home, go home to see their children go surrendered, no one thought of just under aircraft waiting for him is a pair of cold handcuffs.

â—Ž reporters notes

Liang emotions have been relatively stable during the trial. Last by the court, the the Sifang District Peoples Court held that, Liang secret theft of public property, a huge amount, their behavior has violated the provisions of the Criminal Law of the Peoples Republic of China in Article 264 of the criminal facts are clear, the evidence is reliable and sufficient, it should be be held criminally responsible for theft.
suyruq9hd   [Dec 10, 2012 at 12:51 AM]
'an to do business, and most of them are living in the field, occasionally come back to a trip to the home Cixi. Worked hard for two years, living together in different places and the feelings of the couple getting worse. Xiao Yan feels is not harmonious communication with her husband, no common language, the two characters out of tune, so, it is better to take advantage both still young, as soon as possible to end the marriage, http://www.piuminimoncleresit.com . In April this year, Xiao Yan left the home in Xi'an. October Cixi court, she sued for divorce. Court, her husband Yang is no objection to the divorce. But the two biggest controversy focuses on small strict requirements of her marriage dowry of $ 10 million to move back to her family to also provide a dowry of three list. Xiao Yang does not agree. He said the marriage to send the bride price of 160,008 yuan to the woman's family, the woman only in return 10,008 yuan, divorce, http://www.duveticadownjapan.com , this the dowry should stay in the groom's family. "If she wants to be taken from the dowry, http://www.peutereyoutletsit.com , it is necessary to return the dowry, http://www.duveticadownjapan.com ." To Xiao Yang adhere. Xiao Yan was back 120,008 yuan in return. "Everyone has a matchmaker, in the end back to how much you can ask ah, http://www.gucciofficialstorejapan.com ." Xiao Yang was very unpleasant. Hearing more than an hour mediation by the judge, the two finally reached an agreement for dowry, marriage, ownership of property: two divorce, dowry naturalized Xiao Yan, married couples jointly purchased a machine worth 80,000 yuan Gui Xiaoyang by Xiao Yang supplies Xiao Yan 40,000 yuan. The moving the dowry scenes mighty yesterday morning, http://www.monclerboutiquesfr.com , Xiao Yang's father has been agreement about 40,000 yuan for Xiao Yan submitted to the court. 10:00 or so, the start of the operation to move dowry. The judge and the clerk of the scene to witness the entire process of move dowry. The couple's home in the State Road side, two on the third floor of the houses, http://www.monclerofficialjp.com . Go in there, what are new. "The clerk said," I heard the mother of the man loves clean, often to clean, so the floor is clean. "Xiao Yan is a long trailer. Seventeen meters long, the kind of car is shipped containers. "The clerk said," I heard the woman's relatives logistics. "Xiao Yan's parents came to her home three regardless of eight aunt Qi battle, also called master removable appliances, the furniture, the parade of more than a dozen people. Xiao Yang did to the scene, only Xiao Yang's father came. Although more than two years of marriage, but because they both go to Xi'an, the family basically did not how to put into use a new home All these are. TV three, two sets, a refrigerator, washing machine, hood ... master removed fitted car air conditioning, kettle, drying racks, cups, trays, small to a bamboo basket, all greeted on the train. Four quilts gone! "Xiao Yan complained to the judge," This is the best of several quilts, each should be more than 2000 yuan it. Certainly be taken away. "Xiao Yan points have to be extra careful. In front of a microwave oven, Xiao Yan stopped. "Microwave the manual " Xiao Yan Q, "as well as the warranty card. Months before my time, this microwave is not open to use it, now is open, http://www.vuittonjapanstores.com , who with "Xiao Yan must be the man handed the microwave instructions. Her relatives also the side to help out: "There is no manual so we how to use." Seeing this, Xiao Yang, the father only said his son after the tribunal has to go back to Xi'an, he did not know. Xiao Yan's family moved a TV, that TV is bad, and finally found a socket dead. Vases, http://www.burberryofficialstores.com , pottery, tableware, scissors, carpets, http://www.gucciofficialstorejapan.com , wash basin, cross stitch, cycads, orchids, towels, plastic seasoning box ...... these things piecemeal, Xiao Yan is not falling. 12:30, long trailer filled.

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yt6z8p9sa   [Dec 10, 2012 at 01:00 AM]
'clock on June 17, the sister-generation Shufang driving on North Rd. The other side of the road is the road, http://www.peutereyoutletsit.com , vehicular traffic had to single-channel dual line. "It was raining, slippery road surfaces, http://www.duveticadownjapan.com , vehicle traffic is very slow." On behalf of Shufang recalls. "Bang!" Car suddenly a loud noise, on behalf of the Shufang immediately get off View original right front tire. Behind the vehicle saw the front of the blockage, issued urging horns from time to time, http://www.peutereyoutletsit.com . On behalf Shufang to a friend for help immediately, because it was raining, a lot of places in the traffic jam, rush over friends are stuck in the road. "This may be how to do " Does not change the tire on behalf Shufang, looking behind the traffic congestion, and her anxiety, http://www.monclerboutiquesfr.com . Just as she was anxious straight stamping, not far from a police car coming slowly. Police comrades, my car has a flat tire, but I will not change, http://www.piuminimoncleresit.com , help me change it "Immediately stepped forward on behalf of Shufang stopped police car and explained the situation, http://www.starsneakers.jp . Learned on behalf Shufang, http://www.duveticadownjapan.com , North Rd Patrol platform captain Zhang Yan, deputy captain Li Jinyuan Schomburg immediately get off and ran to a taxi. The on behalf Shufang quickly come up with a spare tire and jack from the trunk. Remove the flat tire, Zhang Yan found a taxi in front of the shaft has a slight deformation. Repair and installation took nearly one hour, the taxi finally hit the road, http://www.spikesoccerstore.com , the road also soon returned to normal. 1 hour, http://www.monclerofficialjp.com , they Lin Zhaoyu help me repair. "On behalf Shufang grateful to say, they are all wet. Yesterday afternoon, Zhang Yan said: "This is what we should do, http://www.burberryofficialstores.com , thanks to the man's sister also help repair my umbrella."

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auzfmtts84   [Dec 10, 2012 at 01:30 AM]
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dleyelgyl2   [Dec 10, 2012 at 02:00 AM]
Need For A Life Cover: For Securing Future Of Your Loved Ones (...) Life insurance helps you secure your life. It is among the oldest practices meant to provide financial security for a person and his family. It not only covers your life, but also offers support to your family members. Covering yourself means you are securing the future of your family members, as in the event of any mishap, your family members will be entitled to receive the claim. So now it is time you realize the value of having a life cover.

If you are married and have children, it becomes even more essential (...) . Death is a highly sensitive issue, and nobody wants to discuss it (...) . Discussing death or any other tragedy that may befall you in the future may put you into some sort of discomfort. However, it is always better to remain prepared for the worst. Preparing yourself well in advance for any unforeseen event may offer a great relief to your family members. In the event of any unexpected event, including death (...) , your family members will be able to manage the financial burden (...) , provided that you have opted for an insurance policy.

What Is A Life Cover?

It is a better option for those willing to have a continual cover. This kind of a policy lasts your entire life. It matures only after your death, and the entire insurance amount is paid to your family http://www.moncleroutletspaccio4it.com . This particular option is far more expensive compared to a term policy.

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Generally, your situation determines what kind of a policy you opt for. It is also possible that your insurance needs may change over a period of time. In that situation, you may switch over to another policy. However, opting for a life cover policy is better, as it provides for a life-term security. You need not change it, as it promises guaranteed returns on maturity. You may not be able to use the insured amount, as it matures only after your death http://www.abercrombieparis4france.com . However, your children or family members will certainly be able to use it.

Advantages Of A Life Cover

One of the main advantages of an insurance cover is that it takes care of your future expenses. On the maturity of the policy, you get the insured amount. This amount may be used for your children's education or for building your dream home. As a result, it is a good idea to take your future expenses into consideration while opting for an insurance policy. Although it is not necessary that the insured sum may take care of all your expenses, it may greatly help manage any untoward situation. In case of your unexpected death, a life cover may provide a much-needed relief for your family. Using the insured sum, they can still survive even though you are not there. Moreover, the insured sum can also be used to repay any outstanding debt.

The importance of life cover can never be undermined http://www.abercrombieparis4france.com , as it is a great tool to secure your future as well as that of your children. Even after your death, your family can live a happy life, provided that you have left adequate amount for them. You cannot predict the future; however, you can certainly make an effort to secure it.

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Also stocks accessories includingcover-ups, beach bags, towels and flip flopsPennsylvania extended modern-day bear hunting started in 2002, when bear hunters were given the opportunity to fill their tags the first week of the firearms deer season in Carbon, Monroe and Pike counties, (...) .

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u8i72r5xq08   [Dec 10, 2012 at 03:13 AM]
'clock in the morning, the Luo, who lives in Heyuan City, Zijin county with Hill got up early. After breakfast, he cleaned up and began to call the two friends, and they plan to Longgang a good weekend, http://www.michaelkorsshopbusa.com , there are also a few old friends. 11 am, 3 Luo with Hill and his party ate a simple lunch, they embarked on a run so fast Longgang direction, the speed is not fast, about two hours for the trip, they arrived at the of Longgang most famous commercial Wadi Street. Kumi met five or six old friends, we are open to drinking, singing, playing cards, so have fun one night, the next day at noon, Luo Tongshan together two friends drove back. The road back and forth, back on the road we are still immersed in the excitement of the gathering, but the next encounter "unexpected" Luo Tongshan deeply. 15 am, the Longgang friends car led, the Luo with Hill's car came to Ailian intersection, where there is a traffic light. He calmly waiting for the traffic lights, car window from time to time flashed blue and red lights, traffic police are law enforcement. Moment, several traffic police toward Romania with Hill coming: "the documents out!" "Car off to the side, get off!" Out of the car, Luo same mountain only to find a few traffic police in his rear, and a Auxiliary Police told him: "Your license plate affixed to a digital 8 suspected of altering license plate, surveyed told us to go back!" Luo Tung Shan recalled, either side of the two auxiliary police will send their own cars and two friends want to over the interpretation of caught up in the outside, and then he followed the direction of the police car to the Shenzhen city gallop. Until then, Luo Tongshan realized "a major event". No ticket, no mouth bar, Luo Tongshan car keys did not pull out, the separation of people and vehicles, "traffic police asked a 'car valuables' Shenzhen Traffic Police Bureau, they gave a The administrative penalty hearing this book. "Reporters saw in the copy of this book on the file labeled" confessional word [2010] No. 5001, this book writes: Luo Tongshan you altered motor vehicle No. licenses, according to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Road Traffic Safety Penalties for violations of Article 30 (2) of the regulations, intended to give the fine of $ 50,000, a driver's license in mind that the administrative penalty of 12 points, and provisions received this book days to request a hearing. Injustice not The parties vary according to Luo Tongshan the afternoon in the City Traffic Police Bureau transcript investigation, while the car was seized, along with the two on board friends had their own ride back to Heyuan. 7:00 pm, Luo Tongshan finish the record, he hit the back Longgang friend staying one night, the next morning the bus ride back to the Heyuan. Return the bus, Luo Tongshan been thinking about 50,000 yuan ticket thing can not calm my heart always. "I feel very unjust punishment, front license plate did not paste only the rear license plate posted a number, nor do I imported cars entering Shenzhen, did not receive any prompts to remind, first offense and no subjective intent, Shenzhen traffic police department should focus on education. "Luo Tung Shan said, http://www.abercrombieboutiquedfr.com ," I am feeling like a thief sentenced to the death penalty is so uncomfortable, (...) , if I knew Shenzhen introduced so stringent regulations, it will not be so honest 'sit still' I do not know the tail brand stickers or altered a number friends often by car stickers, may play in Longgang engage in 'prank'. "In this way, http://www.uggofficialssjp.com , Luo Tongshan inexplicable altered numbers brand Shenzhen traffic police out of the history of "the most expensive" 50,000 yuan a traffic ticket. "If I want to deliberately break the law, it will in time for the traffic police to check tear altering digital paper paste." Said Luo Tongshan come along the way did not see any hints from Heyuan, according to his understanding, the highway junctions should leaflets electronic display should also be a corresponding prompt. "Too sudden, (...) , if you want a fine, http://www.louboutinenlignebfrance.com , it should be to the educational opportunities, even if to a fine, should refer to the standard of 1000 yuan Heyuan. Luo with Hill told reporters he had 7-8 years of driving experience, in December 2007, he accumulated many years 8 million yuan in savings, bought back a white hatchback sedan. He said he has complied with the traffic laws in recent years, only a chaotic stop misplacing tickets. Unexpected disaster like $ 5 million in tickets, he said it is difficult to bear, there are more than 70-year-old's parents at home, he was just an ordinary worker in the county, per month more than 1300 yuan wage, currently detained Fit car residual value is not to $ 50,000, Luo Tongshan an up or down for that matter eat sleep disturbed. "I'm not in the mood, after coming back from Shenzhen, lying in bed all day and did not go to work, this state has lasted more than one week." Current affairs aspect part of the Austro-a forum, a Shenzhen VTS fine drivers 50000 In fact, is not that much "Topic attracted public attention. Netizen "virgin forest": everyone is disciplined, there obscured license or altered number plate of the car around with string, speeding, running red lights, you will understand the 50,000 yuan for those who trample on the principle of fairness, In fact, not much. Friends crazy little bunny ": traffic order mess, if you do not take very stringent measures difficult to governance had, you see more and more drunk driving accidents resulting in civilian casualties, and that is because there is no more severe penalties mechanism. Friends "sad lovers quipped: remind the next car owners, that look before driving brand after brand before, with or without being affixed tape Furthermore encounter beggars best to give you the money, if not to run your car carefully affixed to your license plate block tape would be a big loss, http://www.abercrombieoutletit.com , 15 days off 50,000 fine. In a community forum in Wuhan, friends, "on the brow" Last "50,000 yuan, the most expensive ticket is not" All Souls plaster "He believes that, in the implementation of the new regulations, http://www.uggofficialssjp.com , 50,000 yuan, the most expensive ticket "must not be regarded as an" All Souls plaster, more can not be seen as a once-and-for-all "silver bullet" is at best a "double-edged sword. Traffic police department in the implementation of the new regulations to grasp the principle of combining severe punishment and strict management and strict punishment to promote strict rectification traffic violations, alert, education, correct, standardize driver awareness of road safety. There are friends that the traffic management department of law enforcement officers to abandon the "fine host" the "inert Management Thought. Law enforcement at every turn to open a cruel high-priced beef jerky "as the goal, the penalties for the owners of the money to generate income, and the formation of the people hated fines economy", the rights of small treasuries, evolved into a breeding ground for corruption; This administration is not as more likely to cause the majority of drivers resentment. Questioned - the rights and obligations of not "Ordinance implementation of the first day, the city traffic police bureau site 23 citywide search vehicles points remediation action. Plum spring is the one to focus exclusively on the aspects of the administrative penalty lawyer, the case of For Luo same mountain, entrusted him pursuant to a public hearing on the application is submitted to the city traffic police bureau. Implementation Measures "in accordance with the hearing of Guangdong Province, the punishment shall inform the person being penalized more than 1000 yuan, the so-called hearing is citizens have the right to appeal and the right to be heard in administrative penalties, the applicant may request the law enforcement units to produce the relevant evidence and legal basis." Plum spring said, "Bill", there are many imperfections can be seen through the matter needs further refinement and revision. Luo Tongshan in violation of the provisions of Ordinance 30: the use of forged or altered motor vehicle grade certificate, license plate, driving license, inspection logo. "The most critical matter is the rights and obligations not stands to reason that such a huge amount of punishment the corresponding enforcement requirements should be higher, but in fact, Luo Tongshan including foreign drivers in and out of Shenzhen did not see due Tip and logo. plum spring, the first of the foreign drivers a violation should be given a lighter treatment. Ordinance dealt with leniently: minor, without prejudice to the passage, or altered license plate biggest problem is to hinder supervision, the object is not explicitly illegal, does not prevent the passage, http://www.abercrombieoutletit.com . "The plum spring analysts say, like defaced, obscured license plate more dangerous, specific law enforcement difficulty is not light, but the heaviest punishment only fined 6,000 yuan, more than the altered license plate light a lot. "Bill" there are still many areas for improvement, such as the provisions of Article 31, causing a traffic accident bear the main or full responsibility for not yet constitute a crime, its causing a traffic accident offenses should be liable to a fine of twice the amount of punishment ", it full implementation in practice is difficult. Money penalty to how to deal with Ordinance provisions, but there are instructions in the country's 2003 introduction of the new traffic laws: the establishment of a traffic accident victim relief fund. "Plum spring Ordinance more standing in traffic management, lack of driver demands and parties Game Beware the traffic police Ordinance corrupt rent-seeking. Early as late October 2009, modified the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Road Traffic Safety Penalties (draft) "(hereinafter referred to as" the draft ") published the full text to the community for comment, the Xinhua News Agency this published a maximum fine of $ 50,000 Shenzhen intends heavy penalties to curb traffic violations controversy reported. According to their reports, the Guangdong East Jinyuan four practicing lawyers of the law firm submitted a joint letter to the National People's Congress, proposed 10:00 questioned. They suggested that the draft under penalty amount and rate of increase is shocking. At the same time, the amplitude and beyond the authorized scope of modifications of the existing laws of the SAR Legislative involved, people feel doubt. Hope that the legitimacy of the review of the National People's Congress on the content of the draft. Only on the brow of friends, "" believes, is a worldwide problem of urban traffic problems, traffic violations often and a local road planning, (...) , traffic facilities, drivers abiding sense factors closely related to. As urban traffic managers, to take diversified, flexible enforcement to enhance the credibility of the transport sector, this is the new enforcement of the Act to achieve the ultimate goal, a strong legitimate reasonable presence of the new regulations can also increase weight. Despite Shenzhen's debut "the astronomical ticket" caused by a wide range of disputes, but the reality is still there: take the risk of altering license plate violations. Nanfang Daily reporter Tao Qingqing





(...) (...)
sdasl67l   [Dec 10, 2012 at 03:30 AM]
Metropolis Daily Newsreporter Wang Liangliang Huang Yun intern reporter Long Qing Xia Hongbo this is a family tragedy ,also is a human tragedy ,because of extra-marital affairs ,a family is no longer complete ,a child life is affected .
Late on September 26th ,Ezhou Han man Wang Bin (a pseudonym ) has not returned home, his wife Liu Xia (a pseudonym ) with his son go to temple mountain looking for him .The next day morning 6 am ,when the mother and daughter in the bus station ready to ride away, Wang Bin and a woman just came over and waiting .
Seeing this, the tussle, son in desperation, took out a fruit knife towards his father stab wounds ,his father eventually ... ... Husband of adultery caused family tragedy 44 years old Wang Bin a few years ago with one family from Ezhou to Han http://www.hollisterboutique4fr.com ,he was in Jiangxia when a small site foreman .
Liu Xia and his wife always suspects the husband has an affair ,recently she heard from her husband colleagues ,site to send 2000 yuan .Home finance to Liu Xiaguan, but she did not see the husband active hand .
In September 26th 8 at night before, also do not see the husband comes home ,Liu Xia is urgent ,with her 16 year old son Wang Yu is in high school (a pseudonym ) go to temple mountain site looking for a husband ,but workers said he left early .
Liu Xia went on with his son in the temple hill village Inns went looking for her husband ,for one night .The very next day early in the morning, legitimate son ready to take the bus to leave (...) , but her husband and a woman hand in hand walk to the bus station .
See this situation ,Liu Xia immediately flush with the woman tussle (...) , but Wang Bin beat Liu Xia .Initially stood aside Wang Yu see father would help other women playing the mother ,in desperation (...) ,took out a fruit knife stab at his father arm .
Wang Bindao on the floor ,Liu Xia was screaming at a loss ,the woman hurried out mobile phone alarm .Wang Yujian has been reported to the police ,busy pulling mother leave the scene .120 ambulance personnel and Temple Hill police station rushed to the scene, Wang Bin will be sent to hospital .
Mother to help his son http://www.hollisterboutique4fr.com .Be found Wang Bin first sent to the Jiangxia District People ,the diagnosis of cardiac membrane is pierced by 3 cm ,due to excessive bleeding ,dying, immediately transferred to the Wuhan General Hospita of Guangzhou Military Region .
At this time, Wang Bin was conscious of the police ,he said: this knife is my son . Temple Hill police station assistant director Tan Liming learned of Wang Yu in a Hongshan area middle school reading high school, so the day of noon lead the police rushed to the school ,but Wang Yu did not come to class, the teacher did not know his home ,Tan Liming had to return the hospital .
September 27th at 9 am, Liu Xia and Wang Yu came to the hospital to visit, just inside the wards was police control ,back to the police station to separate interrogation .Liu Xia protects the cherished ,cling to one : the knife is I .
Wang Yu is also said to be the mother of thorn .But a two people do not agree ,Liu Xia said paper knives ,Wang Yu says is a fruit knife .Then police inquiry to Wang Bin move operation doctor informed, trauma is caused by the fruit knife .
The police also found at the scene two witnesses, said woman playing the woman ,the men man .Evidence ,Wang Yu finally admitted that he had a knife stabs the father ,then police in his home toilet sewer found the fruit knife .
Wang Yu was detained for fighting ,Liu Xia was sentenced to administrative detention for 15 days .However, the Liawanwan unexpectedly, Wang Bin in October 1st suddenly exacerbations, died .
An affair to kill people ,the completion of this one family ,really let person cannot bear . The police told reporters .Son regret anger a father yesterday, the reporter to interview Wang Yu .
Pimple-faced he speaks very well .Wang Yu told reporters ,when he see father to help other women playing the mother, he went on to kick the father ,so that his mother wouldn hurt ,but her father and mother to play ,he is driven beyond forbearance, angry before moving the knife .
Didn want to hurt my father (...) . Wang Yu says . Now that you regret it ? The reporter asks .Wang Yu was choking ,tears in his eyes, has been tried not to flow out ,then he spoke : I really regret ,after all he is my father .
Wang Yu said ,he stabbed his father ,the mother dragged away from the scene ,also did not go a way station ,mother was anxious to return to the scene to see father ,is it right? Being rescued .
She saw his father being carried on ambulances ,just leave .Wang Yu claims he can learn, average in my class ,he always wanted to go to university to get a job . Go out ,I must take good care of my mother (...) .
He said .Expert view couples take marriage should be rational political and public management of Wuhan University professor Shang Zhongsheng has accepted a reporter to interview ,say: this is a tragedy ,is my exposure to an affair the most typical case .
Shang Zhongsheng said ,marriage was decades ago were considered sacred and noble ,but from the West in sexual liberation ,and social relations between the sexes inappropriate understanding and marital quality problem ,make the sanctity of marriage feeling ,lofty sense was deconstructed .
In some places even the bad social ideological trend ,Valentine became successful performance (...) ,this seems to have become a kind of social culture .Many people from love to get married ,and not understand the real meaning and the responsibility of marriage ,the marriage problem continuously .
Shang Zhongsheng said ,in this case ,the mother treats husband affair not rational ,follow-up ,fighting style ,so can not solve the problem ,but the marriage out of business .But she should have never took his son to go ,this is between husband and wife scores, children are innocent ,don him come in .

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jacy192clq   [Dec 10, 2012 at 04:37 AM]
'clock on the morning of November 19, a construction site, http://www.hollisterdafrance.com , Lingnan Road, Chancheng District Lingnan Pearl Stadium Simon snatched a number of channel steel, angle steel, square through iron pipes, the loss of about 10,000 yuan. According to the police, Recently, Foshan the territory construction sites bursts robbery case, this is just one of the two. Reflected According to the complainant, (...) , the robbers are dispatched gangs, handheld machetes, iron rods, and they are driving a car. Foshan Municipal Public Security Bureau to combat street crime professional team in-depth investigation and evidence collection, mastered the robbery gang was driving the vehicle and gang members. The suspect car rammed the police car yesterday 1:40 Liuyuan Road, Shiwan, http://www.abercrombieoutletit.com , professional members of the team found that the gang of six men ride together in a white sport utility vehicle hanging fake license, http://www.abercrombieoutletit.com , heading toward the South China Sea. To the West Second Ring Taoyuan overpass, parked near a construction site, http://www.michaelkorsshopbusa.com , all six men get off entering the site, the police focused about arresting, http://www.louboutinenlignebfrance.com , but a few minutes later the suspect and hurry on the train, drive flew away. 3:30 Xu, the suspect driving a sport utility vehicle and go to the South China Sea, officials and road Gui Road, (...) , at the junction of the speed to slow down, police encirclement immediately formed off-road vehicles, the suspect rammed intercept the car, (...) , in an attempt to out of encirclement. The police fired warning shots to the sky, the drivers do not listen to warnings continue to increase throttle crashed into a truck blocked, leading to a police knocked out of the bus, another police trapped inside the vehicle. The suspects For intercept vehicles and then hit another critical moment, the police immediately shot the fire to the car. The sport utility vehicle was shot, (...) , but the driver still does not stop and continue to fuel out of encirclement. The police car gave chase, suspicious vehicle forced intercepted in a few hundred meters Katsura and road the Guangfo logistics center section of the car, all the suspects were arrested, (...) . Open the door, the police found driving suspect was shot and wounded by the medical staff to treat the driving suspects died due to excessive bleeding.

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Fronax0686   [Dec 10, 2012 at 04:52 AM]
door huge http://www.burberryoutletconegozi.com Academy of Fine Arts on the street (...) , I feel very unsightly http://www.hollisterboutique4fr.com , nude painting on the large crowd under completely defame women .
In this regard, Hubei Academy of Fine Arts Museum of Fine Arts Professor Cao Dan believes that the Academy of Fine Arts various art exhibition organized as a professional institution , human body exhibition http://www.abercrombieparis4france.com (...) huwebvkjasdhknlJw健康还是东方文明你是电信msn开了十多个, the public response was also normal , and this is the process of development of Chinese culture in the normal reaction . Arts and culture needs to spread , and guide people to move upwards (...) , and to social promotion (...) huwebvkjasdhknlJw健康还是东方文明你是电信msn开了十多个. Meticulous figure vivid , very real painting http://www.abercrombieparis4france.com . However http://www.hollisterboutique4fr.com , painting was the real objective truth is a subjective reality , not in the picture shown , with the essential difference between the pornographic photos http://www.abercrombieparis4france.com . Therefore (...) , Spreadtrum will be Glen
picture shows the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts Painting Department Associate Professor Xiao blue out in front of nude posters of naked portraits and colleges in the exhibition book for comparison (...) .
Rearl69r51   [Dec 10, 2012 at 05:00 AM]
Italian wine has a long and interesting history. In fact (...) , Greek settlers were producing wine in the region way before the Romans started planting and harvesting their own vineyards in the second century before Christ. While the Greeks may have started it (...) , the Romans perfected it, organizing large scale productions and developing their own storing techniques.

Indeed, if it weren't for the Romans, we wouldn't have wine made in barrels or bottles of the beverage. Even though it's been more two thousand years since the Romans took over wine making, Italy remains one of the world's greatest producers of wine. In fact, Italy was responsible for around 20 percent of the world's wine production in 2005 http://www.hollisterboutique4fr.com .
Grapes are grown in nearly every part of Italy, and there are more than 1 million vineyards being cultivated this year. While each winery produces a different wine, overall Italian wine can be characterized as acidic and dry. They have a subdued flavor and aroma, which makes them better with food than enjoyed alone (...) .

Italian culture is centered around wine. Many Italians drink it with every meal (...) ; almost as many drink it in between meals, too (...) . It is customary for visitors to be offered a glass of wine upon arriving to the host's house (...) .

There are four classes of Italian wine http://www.abercrombieparis4france.com , falling under two different categories http://www.hollisterboutique4fr.com . The first category is Table Wine, the other is Quality Wine Produced in a Specific Region (QWPSR) (...) . Under table wine, there is Vino de Tavola and Indicazione Geografica Tipica (IGT). The former just means that it's made in Italy (...) , while the latter denotes wine from a specific region within the country http://www.burberryoutletconegozi.com .

In the QWPSR category, there are two subcategories. Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) and Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG) refer to very specific zones in Italy (...) . These are more specific than the aformentioned IGT wines. Who knew there was so much to Italian wine?
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a race of nearly 15 acres of land / p>
the of 110,000 yuan, is a successful entrepreneur, perhaps nothing, but it is a huge sum of Zhao Yanwen, http://www.hollisteroutlet6s.com ! Chen meters force said: The four acres of double-crop rice, nine acres season rice, http://www.isabelmarants6sneakers.com , plus an acre of cotton, half an acre of lotus root, Zhao Yanwen a race of nearly 15 acres of land. He also reclaimed two acres of wasteland, an acre of planted cedar acre dig into fish ponds, which does not include those scattered vegetable plot.

so hard for decades before they accumulate 11 million, but his lifelong savings. Zhaoyan Wen said: . The state has invested 17 million yuan (still pending), (...) , plus Zhao Yanwen $ 11 million, the other villagers raised $ 100,000, leaving a shortfall of 120,000 yuan. To this end, (...) , Zhao Yanwen every day under the scorching sun to go out to raise money.

the Shuangfeng group of Castle Peak Town, Xiangtan County location than the partial, http://www.airjordanchaussure6a.com , only one way to access more than 120 of the whole group. This road is bumpy, is not good to go, (...) .

for the group on the road are willing Zhaoyan Wen, (...) , in fact, usually very reluctant. The village cadres Fangyu Quan told reporters: The reporters also took some twists and turns, http://www.hollisteroutlet6s.com , because he was busy road, he did not have a cell phone, he could not bear to buy. Zhao Yanwen home, not to mention TV, (...) , Simmons bed, http://www.doudouneparajumperss.com , and even fans, (...) , clocks and other basic daily necessities can not see. Fang Yuquan said with a smile:

Reporter correspondent Zhu Yanhuang a 1.5 km long and 3.5 m wide concrete road stretches in Xiangtan County Qingshan Town, Ho Ka ShuangFeng, group rice fields. The villagers said that this road can be completed, thanks to a 65-year-old Zhao Yanwen. Interview yesterday, the reporter was informed that Zhaolao a bachelor the weekdays worn, are reluctant to buy even the alarm clock and fan. To repair this road, his contribution to the life savings of $ 11 million.

roads to be stranded, the old man to stand up

the first month of this year, the new captain requires Group scrape together 1, http://www.michaelkorsoutletcmk.com ,000 yuan per person, the consent of the villagers. To the first month twenty, when the time came to sign the contract construction side, some villagers changed his mind: or unfair ....

annual Mid-Autumn Festival on the eve of the lotus root harvest. Zhao Yanwen barely lit Jiupaqilai for digging lotus root, a root wash, and then pick up to sell to the Castle Peak Town, 5 miles away. He said:

Valley orange,

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huy799968g   [Dec 10, 2012 at 05:23 AM]
 Understanding through online chat, (...) , Wang Jun, (...) , the final selection of claiming to be 24 years old, an advertising company, Chen Linlin (a pseudonym), http://www.abercrombiemilanos2013.com . The two signed an agreement with Wang Jun, to ensure that things do not want to do Chen Linlin, if the hand, embrace more than 10 times, have to pay another 100 yuan. New Year's Eve, (...) , they both went to Wang Jun, http://www.abercrombieparis6s.com , home, (...) . 3 days, (...) , the two live-in uncle's home, (...) , placed in the same room. The evening, they had sexual relations. In four days, they return to Chongqing, http://www.louboutinpaschers2013.com , settlement, Chen Linlin want him to pay 1, (...) ,000 yuan, because they had an relationship. Wang Jun, http://www.burberrypascherfr.com , perplexing, "If you pay, not to become transactions LEELI2005 revealed two end result of a dispute, has not yet been solved. , (...) , Chongqing Holley Law Firm Chen boat counsel argues that the two sexual relations, Chen Linlin in order to ask for costs, http://www.isabelmarant6sneakers.com , on suspicion of prostitution. (Chongqing Evening News)

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zhfja18c   [Dec 10, 2012 at 05:37 AM]
Robart Franch is an eminent Workers Compensation Attorney San Diego. He degree in law coupled up with long years of experience has helped he becoming an inspiring Workers Compensation Lawyer Los Angeles. He is an expert of tax assessment and evaluation.With her knowledge and expertise, she has helped many people in crisis (...) . Visit:

Article Source:

by Shivjeet Singh

by Robart Franchis

by Michaelribs

Author: Article Tools:Workers are at times exposed to excesses in their field of profession. They can be exposed to life threatening accidents in high risk jobs like construction and mining or, they can be exposed to life threatening diseases when they are involved in working for chemical plants etc. These cases are more common than one can think of and almost every other day some worker or the other is rendered disabled permanently or temporarily because of these accidents, which take an eventual toll on their family income and sustenance (...) . Not many of these workers however, know that they are entitled to some sort of compensation in the form of insurance or a lump sum cash that would take care of their financial stability when they go out of job and that, this help has to be extended from the side of the employers. In simple words, the employers are bound by law to provide compensation to workers if they are injured at work. This is known as worker (...) ?s compensation and is enforceable by law in almost all countries in the world.

Needless to mention, if a worker receives compensation for the injury suffered by him / her (...) , their life will be made far more easier, as compared to those workers who receive no compensation. Worker?s compensation covers almost any injury conceivable, which includes broken bones, cost of stay in hospital, treatment (...) , medication, visit to the doctor (...) , physiotherapies etc. The facility can be cashless or refundable as the compensation plan offered by the employer defines (...) . The point is, the worker will not have to bother paying the expense and that, he / she will also receive a sizeable sum of money that will enable then to pull through difficult times without income. Workers compensation is a very helpful and progressive step taken in favor of maintaining the wellbeing of all employed (...) . But, more often than not, these claims of compensation are denied by the employers at some ground or the other that may also appear justified to all (...) . These are the times when the compensation attorneys and lawyers come to the rescue.

Highly qualified professionals like in this field like Workers Comp Attorney San Diego are known for winning cases of claim denial in favor of the wronged workers. These experts know the law governing the issue of compensation to injured workers like the back of their hands. When approached (...) , these lawyers and attorneys go through the case and proceed accordingly. When claiming workers compensation it is a must to choose good attorneys. To locate those who are as proficient in their profession of law, like the Workers Compensation Lawyer San Diego, one will have to do a little research either over the internet or going through the yellow pages and proceed by setting appointments and meeting the same. One can also seek help from those who had faced similar situations and got their claims at the end. However, it is anytime better to get the claim without the interference of lawyers, and this is possible when the employers grant claims without creating any issues.

Workers compensation can help a worker attain financial stability even when he / she is out of job following accidents at work. It is a right that injured workers must claim.

Can Workers Compensation Really Help A Worker In Need

About Author

by Robart Franchis

by Robart Franchis

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vzab6i8g   [Dec 10, 2012 at 05:41 AM]
Oh, ah? Easy Hongfei who do not know, maybe a heroes! Hundred no one was a scholar, in this era of martial arts phenomena, oh, her professional resources and environment, which are no contamination ancient fear more useless, or honest man maidservants, whatever the outcome, have something to eat!

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The Lingxi child shook his head, LIN and really is the Empress Dowager ah, the ancient cosmetic quality is so poor, as creamy of Miss as usual or skin Hao, facial features picturesque especially that smile at a hundred pro-tufted angered that she also can not wait on the before the fiercely pro on a.

Yeah, but he did not come, people anxious, what is another way thing, (...) ! Lin Yiyi blushed will cover Pago mask a little face, embarrassed chuckle out loud.

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Age should be 17-year-old look, but it has very incompatible with Yin Zhi domineering.

Ah, you are shy what ah girls Sichun is normal, but why did he not come, (...) ! The Lingxi children Taitailielie the from flowers porch down, Duodao the Lin Yiyi front elongated head asked.

Miss you, ah, it is eighteen years old, the ancient woman of this age is not should be married, ah, (...) ? The Lingxi children with LIN and back-to-back sitting in that gallery, a pair of clear eyes straight staring at the front of the potted plants.

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14-year-old palace of Empress Wu, 18-year-old has been in the ancient great age! ?

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Lingxi children blankly stood, mouth abruptly pulling three, which shy!, Kazakhstan, the ancients really is the ancients, when she Shaw wanted a boy, a big mouth swallowing on the playground than this , pales!

Him? Who? Lingxi children Jinghan soon turned around.

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's private car owners can use the location-based services provided by the Beidou satellite navigation chip prices lower than the GPS system in the market, http://www.burberrypascherfr.com . Beidou satellite navigation system, chief architect of Sun Jiadong academicians said, "Compass" system will cover the Asia-Pacific region next year, (...) . At present, the construction of the Beidou satellite navigation system is being implemented in China, http://www.airjordanchaussure6a.com , has been successfully launched seven Beidou navigation satellite, (...) . According to the overall planning of system construction, around 2012, the system will first have covering the Asia-Pacific region, (...) , positioning, navigation, and communication services capabilities. Beidou satellite navigation system, http://www.abercrombieparis6s.com , chief architect of Sun Jiadong academicians, (...) , scientists face-to-face activities of the China Association for Science and Technology, said the global coverage of the Beidou satellite navigation system will be built around 2020. Yuan-Xi Yang, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, (...) , the world over have been 32 GPS satellites (USA), 22 GLONASS satellites (Russia), there are two experimental Galileo satellites (Europe), http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com . Currently, the "Beidou" system in China is mainly used for military navigation, as well as agriculture, fisheries, and large-scale engineering monitoring. Jingnan, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, (...) , the Beidou satellite navigation with richer features, compared with the relatively common market on the civilian GPS positioning and navigation functions and also have the function of communication, http://www.hollistercofremagasin.com . Moreover, based on preliminary estimates and planning, the Beidou navigation chip into civilian price will not exceed the GPS chip, http://www.burberrypascher6soldes.com . "It was probably around $ 100." Liu Jingnan said, (...) , the Beidou system will continue to be used in the field of monitoring and governance of the global plate congestion.

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c2f43w6g8w   [Dec 10, 2012 at 06:20 AM]
On the child, Liangdian Yu and Zhang Beifang repeatedly to discuss the last two tears decision: to leave this child, the opportunity to live to Kiki, a broken home renewed vigor! The end of last year, two for remarried procedures.

The original happy, (...) , happy family is suddenly shattered. The high cost of treatment guaranteeing a living family is difficult to maintain.

Leong story touched a lot of neighbors, often carrying a large pocket vegetables sent to Francis Leung. The Liang Dianyu said, almost a year, home confinement instead of no how to spend any money.

Yesterday, 9:39, and a weight of 6 pounds 9 ounces baby girl was born. The newborn's umbilical cord blood and Kiki blood samples were sent to the City of Red Cross Blood Center matching.

Healthy baby girl was born, husband and wife praying for a miracle occurred

April 11 this year, Zhang Beifang enter the expected date of birth, was admitted to the obstetrics and gynecology of the the HMU four homes. At this point, Kiki is also the hospital hematology third chemotherapy. North Fang, (...) , Zhang, in order to be able to extract a better cord blood, (...) , decided after doctors repeatedly consultation, underwent a Caesarean section.

The couple took the children into the HMU four hospital chemotherapy, http://www.hollisteroutlet6s.com . A course down the small Kiki's white blood cells, bone marrow values ​​stabilize. But the doctor said, (...) , in order to cure the disease of Kiki are only two ways, one bone marrow transplant, while another is umbilical cord blood transplant, these two approaches to treatment costs less but also several hundred thousand dollars.

With hope, Leong Ka-five people began looking forward to survive. During that time, as long as the home to do what is good, Xiuzhen will tip to the front of Kiki and Zhang Beifang; all the heavy work to prevent North Fang Zhang hand. Liang family prior to the children take the name --- Zhuangzhuang hope that the two children are healthy and strong.

Child to be born, http://www.abercrombiemilanos2013.com , divorcing couples reunion

When a person in trouble, http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com , one day in early August last year, http://www.isabelmarants6sneakers.com , Zhang Beifang come Liangdian Yu, speak of a people both surprised and delighted - she found she was pregnant, (...) ! The two recently divorced, the child what to do This life may be able to bring Kiki to be born.

To give the child to see a doctor to take care of the family, Liangdian Yu and Zhang Beifang has quit his job. No income, http://www.doudouneparajumperss.com , Leong days make ends meet, (...) . The small quarreling couples trivia since childhood and shout, the end of June last year, http://www.doudouneparajumperss.com , they go through a divorce agreement.

's nose, mouth, gums, often bleeding, (...) . March, 5-year-old Kiki was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Liang Dianyu home, and mother in Xiuzhen discussed the matter, the mother said: "uninvited life, not only is Gigi's last life-saving medicine, you and your wife and good 'adhesive' she told his son, http://www.isabelmarants6sneakers.com , in any case have to take back the daughter-in-law, to retain the child.

Matching treatment for leukemia, select the cord blood of brothers and sisters, according to Shi Wu Dan, Kiki doctor is the best way to matching the success rate of only 25%. It is understood that the blood typing takes about five working days, but the blood center's staff said it would try to get faster results, http://mollyrustas.se/white-one/ .
KIkd8jq1220   [Dec 10, 2012 at 07:09 AM]
'celebrate' about 'celebrate' we deceived the third anniversary of the original, because the district housing quality, supporting facilities and property services, owners and property developers made this three years is not very pleasant. The recent transfer of the meter, finally inspired the the owners hang this banner "passion" and "inspiration". â–  Reporters survey "Ray" banner from the developers discontent August 15, in the district, the owners Mr Zeman heard reporters to "Ray" banner from open a chatterbox. "You look at the" You look at my house, the surface peeling multi serious Or small house there are a lot of cracks. They move back room do not have these problems, we plot the commercial housing, and also came up with these problems. " you at the foot of the lawn is not a mess, my downstairs is pretty good, http://www.hollisterdafrance.com , you walk to the other side, lawns are not. "garage intelligent intercom, the district often was a thief." ... Finally, Mr. Sheng pointed to residents across the floor: "you look at that unit, an owners jointly posted notices door." reporter then came to the front of this notice, saw that says: the district's facilities find any, property services worthy of the name. "" power of a family of a meager and solidarity in order to improve our homes! "content. Other owners who participated in the "planning" Mr. Chen said, the banner has been hanging for several days. "Our district began construction in 2005, and the end of 2007, staying one has been built, the owners have been gradually Check, two near completion, but for three years, not only in the quality of housing a lot of problems, http://www.abercrombieboutiquedfr.com , and the original developer of the promise did not materialize. "First of all, originally promised Intelligent Community, providing intelligent intercom system and door cards, up to now not yet in place, (...) ; Secondly, the heating did not make things right now, (...) , for three years, pipeline must change; Finally, one of only a few carport garage, http://www.michaelkorsshopausa.com , people far from assured. "Mr. Chen said. A direct result of the owners hang out this banner fuse, (...) , ammeter transfer event on April 29 of this year. Mr. Jiang told reporters: "Two years ago, we used temporary construction electricity is free; the end of April this year, we suddenly received a reminder of the power supply company fee notice. Fact, http://www.abercrombieboutiquedfr.com , this is nothing, electricity pay normal, key reminder fee notice on our owners, while the payment on the invoice but the Great Wall of real estate, I do not know that there is nothing tricky. residential property Cottage property A staff member speculated that: "is probably the owners of this incident inspired the accumulated grievances, plus the third anniversary approaching, (...) , so we hung out a banner." â–  reporter visited the property: the developer does not do place August 15, the reporter came to the area is still very impressive, net posts banner hanging in the cell entrance. Distance of one meter, the main entrance is the security room, when a security guard came out. Landlord hang banners you have no opinion "He replied:" It is the legitimate rights of the owners, we can not interfere. "Cottage in the property of a staff member told reporters:" In fact, since last August, many owners are not pay property charges, when we went to the closing also been subjected to verbal abuse. we consider to developers indeed not done bit, did not go to close, in fact, our properties lose money in the state. owners mention several views, we can do actually trying to do, http://www.lancelpaschereefrance.com , such as intelligent devices are already in place, the door card in property here, but to lead the owners is not a lot. "Finally, the staff said very reluctantly," sandwiched between the developers and owners, in fact, (...) , the property is difficult to do. "August 16, Mr. Chen informed the owners, Tianyi home banner has been picked:" morning cityscape department send someone to remove the banner, then we The owners were not there. "However, he said with a smile:" But it does not matter, we have a banner, two days later, and then hang it wants. "the reporter Xiayou Jun / photo

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id6xx66iwft   [Dec 10, 2012 at 07:16 AM]
's most cattle car, the car not only for five years the annual inspection, five did not pay the insurance, (...) , there are more than 100 traffic illegal exposure to untreated . The reporter was informed, (...) , at noon on April 2, http://www.abercrombieboutiquedfr.com , five traffic police brigade police in Hubei road patrol, found a silver-gray Audi car illegally parked directly in the fast lane, (...) . Police immediately phoned the brigade command center command center Tel query owners through the license plate number and notify the owner of the vehicle as soon as the vehicle drove away. Query command center, was dismayed to find the car yet there are over a hundred from the unlawful exposure unprocessed, but since 2006, did not participate in the annual inspection, have not bought any insurance, is an out-and-out "bare car . " Reporters learned from the five traffic police brigade in the car more than a hundred from the illegal exposure, mostly through a red light, which fully shows that the car drivers simply ignore traffic laws. Exposure accumulated at least five traffic police brigade police, to a fine of over 30,000 yuan. According to reports, more similar foreign licenses exposure, but the the Nanjing car license violations are so many, in fact, (...) , rare. Police vehicle registration information, call the registered person, the person receiving the call, http://www.abercrombieboutiquedfr.com , said the car was not his. Not contact the owners, http://www.michaelkorsshopausa.com , the traffic police can only wait. The next day, (...) , a woman came to the five traffic police brigade. The woman, said this Audi boss temporarily lent her, now commissioned its come to deal with the matter, http://www.hollisterdafrance.com . When police pointed to the need to pay more than 30,000 yuan fine, (...) , the woman immediately. The police are still to find the owners, also asked the owners to see the reported contact with five traffic police brigade.

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wuemqdea   [Dec 10, 2012 at 07:51 AM]
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