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garahan68   [Dec 08, 2012 at 09:39 AM]
Airline travel is not as pleasant as it used to be!Over the last few years as airline profits have been squeezed by rising fuel costs, frequent flier programs, security etc. airline travel, if you want to do it at a reasonable price, could be likened to the cattle-truck effect, http://pinkugg98.blogspot.com . Planes have got smaller, the number of seats has been increased and in-flight service, especially meals, has become almost non-existent, http://kidsugg42.blogspot.com . Now, I do not blame any of the staff, http://buyugg121.blogspot.com , this has become of today's realities.So! What can you do?I have written a series of articles with tips, tricks and information which, I hope, will help to make your flying experiences a little less stressful and more enjoyable.To be able to use some of these tips you will have to plan and be willing to be flexible, http://uggslippers6.blogspot.com . You will have to shape your flight around airline programs, it's not going to happen the other way round. I have been able to save a lot of money by being able to fit within a certain flight schedule which would not have been one I would have normally taken. In the long run it really didn't make any difference to the experience of the trip, http://realugg18.blogspot.com .To further make it easier on yourself make sure that you are the airport in plenty of time. On most occasions you will find that security checks will be much quicker and easier. Also, book your flight online as it's very simple these days. You will be able to, if you do it far enough ahead, choose your own seat. I love this service, as I happen to have a large frame, http://womensugg478.blogspot.com ,I like to have an aisle seat which will give me more shoulder room. This also helps you get through the luggage check-in a lot faster as you can also print out your boarding pass as well.I hope you will be able to use some of the information and put it to some good use. Happy Flying.
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peko1de0   [Dec 08, 2012 at 10:14 AM]
by Greg K Smith

by Charles Peter

by Britany Scarlett

by Jhon Alden

Author of this article is a financial adviser and provide solution about Indian mutual funds and mutual funds in India, http://www.20l2doudounemoncler.com/ . for more view

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by Keith Gonzalez

by Stephen Pilgrim

These days most peoples are interested in mutual fund investment and want to invest money because it is really a beneficial invest for the peoples, http://www.airjordanfemmeretro.com/ . From this article you can get Mutual funds investment tips to select best mutual fund, http://www.monclerffrance.com/ .

by Elizabeth S

Author: Article Tools:Indian financial system is a well organized structure for finance in India. Mutual funds are one of the investment options available to investors. Mutual fund investment is the most preferred investment technique adopted by Indian investors, (...) . The reason being the risk associated with it is lesser as compare to other investment options.
There are some tips for mutual fund investors, with these tips he can invest smartly in it.

First of all investor has to understand that there are two types of risk certain and uncertain risk. Certain risk is a type of risk which can be controlled by properly managing the portfolio of shares where as mutual fund cannot do this for uncertain risk. Therefore an investor should always study the present market and predict the future market and invest in such a way that there should be negative correlation between the shares chosen, http://www.ralphlaurenppascher-fr.com/ , so that when value of one share increases with the market and due to any other reason value of other share decreases then there should be a balance and loss could be minimized.

An investor should always keep in his mind that Mutual Fund Investment is not hundred percent risks free but is insulated from market risk and risk is minimized, http://www.monclerffrance.com/ . Investor should always keep an eye on the fee and associated costs as incorporated by mutual fund investment companies, http://www.ralphlaurenppascher-fr.com/ . Because many a times it happens there are many hidden costs which companies take by making fool of their customers, (...) . The shares which perform consistently well and those shares which are new and doing average performance should be bought first. And later if investor?s budget allows him then he can take a chance with average going shares but those one which are old and have grip in the stock market, http://www.piuminimoncleruomo-it.com/ . Hence by adopting these techniques an investor can have an efficient portfolio of shares. And will help you in many other ways, (...) . Thus makes you a smart investor, (...) . And brings you profits.

Mutual funds investment tips

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carroll78   [Dec 08, 2012 at 11:08 AM]
Physiology is the study of the functions of living things. In plants, physiology involves fundamental processes such as photosynthesis, respiration, transpiration, flowering, sugar storage, and dormancy, http://tallugg96.blogspot.com .The environment limits plant growth and distribution, as well as the fundamental processes that occur in plants. Different plants have different characteristics. Indoor trees exist in different types and therefore have dissimilar requirements. Varying amounts of light, temperature, humidity and nutrition are needed by indoor trees for performing their physiological processes.Light has three key characteristics that influence plant development, namely quality, http://uggcardi15.blogspot.com , quantity and duration, http://uggbaily84.blogspot.com . Light quality is the wavelength reaching the surface of the plant. Different indoor trees require exposure to varying qualities of light. For instance, http://3buttonugg4.blogspot.com , indoor bonsai trees or tropical bonsai trees need to be placed close to east, south, or west window, and an artificial light will suffice if the room has no windows. The ficus trees, coffee tree and parlor palm needs bright, indirect sunlight, so it is best to keep them near the west or east windows. Dracaena plants require indirect light.Light quantity is the intensity or concentration of light. Indoor trees can be classified as low-light, medium-light, or high-light plants. Included in the category of low-light plants are dracaena, aspidistra and algoanema. These plants need to be greater than five feet away from the light source. Medium-light plants require being within five feet from the light source, http://uggboot153.blogspot.com . The lady palm or raphis palm belongs to this category. High-light plants need to be close to the light source. Ficus trees fall in this category.Light duration is the length of time of a plants exposure to light. For example, citrus trees need to be put under direct sunlight for four to six hours daily.Temperature is also a factor that affects the plants growth and productivity. Photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration all increase with increasing temperature. Low temperatures increase the capability to store sugar and lessen energy use. Dormancy is also affected by temperature. Dormancy is broken with the presence of warmth after a period of low temperature.Indoor trees also require varying amounts of humidity or water. Bonsai trees need to be placed in trays with gravel and water since they tend to dry out quickly. The same goes for ficus and citrus trees, http://boot5825.blogspot.com . Dracaena trees need high humidity. Soil moisture need to be maintained in coffee tree and citrus trees, while dracaena and ficus trees need to be allowed to dry after watering. Fishtail palm needs to be watered weekly.There are also different fertilizer requirements for indoor trees. Ficus trees need to be fed monthly with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Dracaena plants require monthly feeding of half-strength indoor plant fertilizer while citrus trees require feeding of blooming-plant fertilizer for every three to four weeks. The striped dracaena and coffee tree needs application of slow-release fertilizer every spring.
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schuma562   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:02 PM]
You have the power to train your mind to choose what you think, instead of allowing random thoughts to hold you hostage. Your goal is to become inner-directed and focused, http://uggaustralia29.tumblr.com , so that you decide what you want to think, rather than have your thoughts and emotions determined by the world around you. The untrained mind has more emotional ups and downs because it is reacting to random thoughts. Focus on what you want with joy and enthusiasm.Remember, http://uggclassic15.tumblr.com , just like the Earth, your brain does not discern what you plant. It will work just as hard to grow weeds as it will to grow beautiful flowers. You determine the seeds that are planted by what you say to yourself over and over.Quite simply, you are a self-fulfilling prophecy because your subconscious mind does not know the difference between factual reality and imagined reality. If you focus on what you say you dont want, then you will create that as the dominate request in your experience.So, keep focused on what you do want. Define yourself as the new person you chose to be. (Example: I am a perfect weight for my body and lifestyle.) If you are still looking to lose weight, you may want to say something like: I am allowing my body to obtain its perfect balance for health and vitality. Many of your beliefs have no foundation of truth, so instead of promoting your purpose, they hold you back from success.If you think you are destined to be overweight, below average, poor, unlucky in love, http://realugg24.tumblr.com , clumsy, or even not good at something, you will take actions that make these thoughts become reality. None of these thoughts are actually true, but thinking them creates beliefs and images in your mind that reinforce these negative statements until they actually become true for you.Be aware of the directions you give your brain, http://buyugg64.tumblr.com . Your internal dialogue, along with what you believe about situations, is how you create your emotions. Negative self-talk messages will cause you to give up before you even try something new. Always be aware that your words can make ominous predictions. If you say about your habit, Ill never be able to stop this; Ive been doing it so long, http://pinkugg987.tumblr.com .You are programming yourself to believe that you are too weak and powerless to overcome the habit, http://uggchestnut.tumblr.com . These negative permissions clutter up your ability to change your behaviors. Pay attention to yourself when you hear yourself uttering negative permissions and negative reinforcements.Avoid negative self-talk: I cant do this. I dont understand. Ill look stupid. Im too old to learn new skills. They make me feel stupid. Thats just the way I am. Theres nothing I can do. No one in my family can do it, so I know I cannot.Change your self-talk to positive reinforcement for changing old behaviors (habits). A positive outlook creates more options for creative solutions. Remember, focus on what you want. Keep it simple and sure.
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francois6   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:04 PM]
Online driving test A, http://shortugg86.blogspot.com . Multiple choice element in online theory testThe theory test is a computer-based test at various tests centres around the country. This section is designed to test your understanding of the theory behind driving. Before the online test starts you'll be given instructions on how the driving test works. You can also choose to go through a practice session of the multiple choice questions to get used to the layout of the online test. At the end of the practice session the real test will begin. You have 57 minutes to complete the test. There is a 15-minute practice session you can work through before starting the tests. The questions in each multiple choice test in driving theory test vary according to the category of vehicle you're hoping to obtain a license for, i.e. a motorcycle driving test will contain specific questions that don't appear in any other test. A question and several answer options will appear onscreen and you have to select the correct answer to the question by touching the screen, http://chocolateuggs2.blogspot.com . Some questions may require more than one answer. You can navigate between questions and 'flag' questions that you want to come back to later in the test. After the multiple choice part you can choose to have a break of up to three minutes before the hazard perception part starts. For cars and motorcycles you'll be asked randomly selected 50 multiple-choice questions in 57 minutes and you need to get at least 43 right to pass. For lorries and buses you'll be asked 60 questions in 70 minutes and the pass mark is 51 out of 60. The cost of the theory test is 28.50 B. Hazard Perception Test After the break in online driving test you'll then be shown a short tutorial video clip about how the hazard perception part works. This forms a second section of the online driving theory test and must be passed at the same time. This section is designed to tests your awareness of potential hazards whilst driving. The hazard perception part is also delivered on a computer but you respond by clicking a button on the mouse, http://uggboots86.blogspot.com . You'll be presented with a series of 14 video clips each about a minute long, http://uggs3.blogspot.com , which feature every day road scenes. In each clip there'll be at least one developing hazard, but one of the clips will feature two developing hazards. The videos feature various types of hazard, such as road conditions, vehicles and pedestrians. The earlier you spot a hazard developing that may require the driver to take some action, the higher the score. There are 15 scoreable hazards in the tests and candidates can score up to 5 points on each hazard, http://uggs587.blogspot.com . Unlike multiple choice questions, for the hazard perception test there are no separate versions for different vehicles e.g. car, bike, heavy vehicle etc, http://menuggs120.blogspot.com , each vehicle category takes the same test, however the pass mark is different for different categories of tests. You won't be able to review your answers to the hazard perception test; as on the road, you'll only have one chance to respond to the developing hazard. The pass mark for the car and motorcycle hazard perception part of the theory test is 44 out of 75. For lorries and buses the pass mark is 50 out of 75.
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ertairvgpmz   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:10 PM]
's psychological aspects. Adolescent children is really eager to associate with, http://www.abercrombiefrances2013.com , but as a school, (...) , if the 'boys and girls can not be alone an' as a discipline, I think it is defective I hope through educational activities in schools, so that children understand their own these external Statute into consciously choose for their own behavior, rather than the school discipline, http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com . "the Korea may Ping said the schools as a rule, children in front of the teacher is to circumvent, but went to the campus can not be guaranteed, http://www.abercrombiefrpascherer.com . "" teacher boys and girls distance of less than 50 cm or boys and girls alone as a standard to judge between them, http://www.abercrombieparis6s.com . Psychology 50 cm exchanges lines said, http://www.abercrombiefrpascherer.com , it refers to the communication between people The best distance is 50 cm, if too far away, people have a sense of distance, http://www.burberrypascher6soldes.com ; less than 50 cm, http://www.burberrypaschersoldes6s.com , will produce oppressive feeling, http://www.abercrombiefrpascherer.com , the feeling of the parties. "Hangzhou 12355 teenagers Desk Song Jian Male Director, said:" school rules to have a certain distance from the students' social interaction, and I think there is a grain of truth, but the interaction of male and female students physical distance accurate to the centimeter, I think too theoretical, (...) . boys, girls exchanges necessary social life skills, should not cast a strong the the mandatory color, http://www.burberrypaschersoldes6s.com , or just the opposite. "reporter interviewed Hangzhou High School, http://www.abercrombiefrances2013.com , Hangzhou Xuejun High School and other schools are no provisions restricting the interaction of male and female students. Zhang Xuejun secondary teacher said: "We are no special requirements for exchanges between boys and girls, to believe that the children have been able to hold on." The Hang Li also said: "I think the boys and girls exchanges should students consciously mainly, teachers appropriate be guided. abnormal individual students, the teacher will use a clever way to guide and remind, http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com . "

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renders5   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:23 PM]
I've known gamblers all my career, and I've seen good ones and bad ones - but what characteristics are common to these people? What makes a bad one and what makes a good one?The characteristics of a bad gambler1. CompulsiveA bad gambler is compulsive, not just in gambling, but in everything he does. In fact, http://brownugg2.tumblr.com , gambling doesn't have any thought behind it, it's just more money spent, and hopefully more money won. And this never works.2. ReactiveA bad gambler reacts - but doesn't act proactively, http://pinkuggs55.blogspot.com . For example, a bad gambler will look at a result and say "oh, this will happen again" - in the case of a horse, http://priceugg.tumblr.com , especially, this is madness. Unless they are very good, horses don't win consecutive races that often - so the bad gambler will be the one who bets after the stable door has metaphorically shut.3. ScattergunA bad gambler will try a wide range of methods in order to win back his losses - from combination bets (which are often unrealistic) to trixies, http://leoparduggs6.blogspot.com , reverse forecasts and anything that comes to mind. These bets are very often laid out by bookmakers in order to tempt people into betting more - bad gamblers fall into this trap.Characteristics of a good gambler1. TenaciousTenacity is absolutely crucial. A tenacious man will have something in mind and will chase it down. I met a man once who only ever gambled on one specific horse race - he knew it back to front, and he tenaciously researched it until he knew everything about it - from the bumps in the course to the turns, the patches of soft ground and everything he needed to know in order to have the fullest picture possible, http://ugggrey3104.blogspot.com . Even then, there were some years when he refused to bet.2. ProactiveA proactive gambler is one who knows when the stable door has bolted. With enough information at his fingertips, he doesn't need to react - he proactively searches for the facts instead of saying "oh, this horse won, it will win its next." He questions why it won, and looks for any potential opportunities in the future for a repeat, knowing that the handicapper will be doing the same.3. ReflectiveNo gambler wins every bet - that's impossible. So, when losing, instead of putting loads of money on the next event, a good gambler will step back and say "what did I do wrong here?" He will do what good football managers do to their teams after a defeat - he will go back and watch it a second time, and ask himself whether it was unlucky, http://cheapugg2334.tumblr.com , or whether it was something he did. So that is what separates the best from the worst - a common sense approach to betting that does not mean spending even more money in order to win back losses. It means researching and reflecting. It will also save you a lot of money if you follow this approach.
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bdkyzr46   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:35 PM]
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gitez08q   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:36 PM]
Holdem Tactics - How To Become A Champion Poker Player In 60 Days

Author :
Submitted : 2010-10-13 06:48:10Word Count : 868Popularity: 32Tags: holdem tactics, http://www.hollistermagasinfrance.com/ , champion poker player, (...) , champion poker, (...) , holdem tactics guide, good holdem tactics

Want to become a champion - and I mean a real winner - poker player in 60 days. Well these Holdem tactics will enable you too. Read them now.

The very fact that you are reading this means that you, like me, are interesting in becoming a true champion poker player. You either enjoy poker very much, are attracted to the probability, risk or fun side of it or like the aspect that it can provide you money. And for this reason I'll know you'll enjoy this Holdem tactics article and will feel the urge pushing you to continue learning more.

The No Frills Holdem Tactics Guide For You To Become A Profitable Poker Player In 60 Days - Or Less.

Week 1 - Learn the rules

You'll need to learn how to play Holdem for starters. Learn the rules, how to play, what a bet, blind and button are. The move you can make. Learn all the little rules that govern what happens in weird event, like if two people have the same hand, and how much you can bet if you have a small stack, etc.

Week 2 and 3 - Dig into strategies and tips

Now's the time to learn some serious Holdem tactics, http://www.monclerrsitoufficiale.org/ . You'll need to get on the net, http://www.monclerrfrance.com/ , get in a library and start learning. You need to know a great range of Holdem tactics you can use to dominate your opponents. Learn TAG, LAG, http://www.doudounemonclerafr.com/ , cut-offs, http://www.monclerrfrance.com/ , blind stealing, starting getting into a big of probability and poker psychology.

It's crucial in these two weeks that you learn as much as you can for free, http://www.christiannlouboutin.com/ , but also start writing down any paid/cost opportunities you see. These could be books from amazon, http://www.francemonclerenline.com/ , poker guides or courses from websites, or whatever. Don't buy anything now, just write them down, (...) .

Week 4 and 5 - Start playing low limits

Notice how it's been a month and you are just sitting down to play? This is how you become really good really fast - for really cheap. By learning all the basic Holdem tactics first you are going in with half a chance of winning. Sit down at the super super low limit tables, the penny tables, http://www.christiannlouboutin.com/ , the 1c tables, and start trying out what you have learned.

In these weeks you'll also want to browse over your previous 'wish list' of books and courses that you think would help. Depending on these, how you feel, what type of player you want to be, how much money you have, pick 1 or 2 (or 3) and purchase them.

Week 6 and 7 - Amp it up

As soon as you get the books and courses go through them, http://www.doudounemonclerafr.com/ . It will probably take you a good few hours to read a solid book. You need to read it 2 or 3 times, and every time you read it you have to take notes. Write down things that stand out, things you learnt, ideas you think will really be profitable.

Now you're ready to move up the stakes a little bit. Move up to what your bankroll can comfortably support. You need 20 times the sit down table limit in your bankroll. OK? Stick to that rule.

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cfr363c5i9o   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:51 PM]
(Editor: Qiu Yuming)

evening at eight o'clock, working in Jinan girl Lily (a pseudonym) quiet life is suddenly broken: multiple strange number phoned that night, (...) , sent a SMS to her about eight o'clock, http://www.hollisteroutlet6s.com , the home of Lili phone suddenly rang up on the screen is a strange number, Lili slightly hesitant to pick up the phone, (...) , I did not expect a man over the phone, http://www.abercrombiefrances2013.com , strange tone, and there are some things also very pleasant to the ear, http://www.hollisteroutlet6s.com . Subsequently, Lily connection of several phone said makes her embarrassed and angry, , http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com , and others sent text messages, causing great distress to their lives, http://www.hollistercofremagasin.com . Phoned people seem to understand what, so prompt Lili been sent to your mobile phone number to the Baidu Post Bar, said that you're lonely What,

Internet see faint Posts gas, hair in a Baidu paste it inside the post, the title contains also left my phone number! deleted, (...) . Lily says, a similar harassing phone then twenty or thirty posts deleted no longer received any.

Original title: girls late at night inexplicable then multiple harassing telephone phone to be announced, also said > the comic / Zhang Panfeng

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yesterday, the reporter online searching, found the post has indeed been removed, but still be able to see through its search function, the topic of the post, (...) , as well as part of the above mentioned things with Lili said basically the same, can clearly shows Lili phone number. , Lili also retains some of the screenshots of web pages, and said that it has an alarm, http://www.hollistercofremagasin.com , ready to take up legal arms to defend their rights.

things and no end, http://www.airjordanchaussure6a.com , Lily said, not only their own anger, http://www.airjordanchaussure6a.com , her husband about the incident, but also has been grumpy.

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bb01ywbba9   [Dec 08, 2012 at 12:51 PM]
 At the same time, Tianjin, Chongqing, http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com , Jiangsu, and Shenzhen are also actively applying for pilot.

For details of this message, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance related news will be announced on their official website, (...) .

 Meeting, although no clear Beijing pilot sales tax VAT reform has been approved, but has become, following Shanghai, http://www.abercrombieparis6s.com , Beijing the second batch of pilot cities has almost no doubt that the formal implementation may be in July this year.

It is understood that the November 16, 2011, the Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation released a "business tax reform VAT pilot program, as well as the transport and part of the modern service industry business tax reform to levy VAT pilot implementation approach.

Previously, (...) , the Ministry of Finance said in an interview, to levy value-added tax of business tax reform, (...) , conducive to the elimination of double taxation, http://www.abercrombiefrances2013.com , and enhance the competitiveness of the service sector, reducing the tax burden of small taxpayers. In addition, this reform will strive to gradually extend to the whole country during the "12th Five-Year" period, (...) .

It is reported that the main content of the pilot reform, in 17% and 13% of the current VAT of two tranches of tax rates on the basis of the new additional 11% and 6%, two steps of low tax rates, transportation for a rate of 11% of R & D and technology services, cultural and creative, logistics, auxiliary and forensic consulting modern service industry for a rate of 6%, (...) ; pilot taxpayers to enjoy the original transfer of technology, business tax relief for tax policy, http://www.abercrombiedvonlineshop.com , adjusting for VAT exemption or Jizhengjitui; the current VAT general taxpayer to the taxpayer of the pilot to purchase services, the deductible input VAT, http://www.burberrypascher6soldes.com ; pilot taxpayers of the original sales tax applicable to the difference between the tax policies during the pilot period can be extended.

As to whether the pilot sales tax VAT reform copy the Shanghai pilot program, the sources said, which still in the research, however, http://www.abercrombiefrances2013.com , Beijing may be the Shanghai section of modern service industries expanded to the whole range of "services".

It is reported that, as early as after the release of the pilot program last year, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Finance revealed that the Beijing municipal government has formally submit an application to the Ministry of Finance, http://www.hollisteroutlet6s.com , State Administration of Taxation, in transportation, part of the modern service industry to carry out the pilot reform of business tax reform VAT .

Shanghai as the first pilot cities for this program, from January 1, 2012, has been in the transportation industry, and part of the modern service industry to carry out the work of the business tax reform to levy VAT, http://www.abercrombiefrpascherer.com .

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lsdhfoi87n0   [Dec 08, 2012 at 01:17 PM]
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meili44tw456   [Dec 08, 2012 at 02:24 PM]
's mother, Ms. Lee told reporters, son Xiang grew very sensible, often help watering potted plants at home. The park, along the way to see potted dislikes turned, he stopped to help the flowerpot Rotary good. So go all the way to help all the way, has been help up a dozen, (...) . Yesterday morning, in the Xuanwu Lake Park, one wearing calendar paper, a gray-haired old man, has attracted the attention of many visitors. Calendars him written on the paper a few lines written in large letters: "The people of Nanjing People's Park to consciously take good care of" in the park "Please do not litter!" ... The old gentleman named Feng Jing, 58-year-old. The evening of October 3, Internet see the Xuanwu Lake Park is open free of all the uncivilized phenomenon, I feel that they should do something. So he brought home calendar paper produced environmental propaganda card. Yesterday was the second time Mr. Feng Lao do environmental advocacy to the Xuanwu Lake Park, this time he was pleased to see that, through the degree of local health a lot better than before. "It's two days to see 'billboards' tourists add up to three or four people, I hope my modest to call people to protect the environment." Ticket sales less consolidated income but more Xuanwu Lake 7 days for Houston amounted to 1.82 million yuan park is open free of charge, no ticket sales, what can not be maintained to stay in business Nanjing Holiday Office in this holiday, specifically focus on the subject of study about it, http://www.louboutinenlignebfrance.com , found that visitors have accounted for about 50% of the city received a total amount of all kinds of free and open public welfare scenic reception, but this did not affect the gold content of the Golden Week, to the contrary, the city's tourism consolidated income has climbed, (...) . Free and open Xuanwu Lake Park from October 1, to become the biggest bright spot on the Golden Week Nanjing tourism market. Holiday on the first day, the amount of park visitors reached 120,000 people, 3 October reached 170,000 people daily accommodation was 1 to 7 days in between 4 to 6 times in the same period last year! The survey data show that the proportion of Xuanwu Lake local and foreign tourists during the holiday season is about 7:3, in particular, the number of visitors of the one-hour economic circle in Nanjing, a two to three percent compared to the same period last year increased sharply. Rolling in passenger traffic led the commercial sale of the park, the park boat, merchandise sales and income than those in previous years, a significant increase, according to statistics of Xuanwu Lake Park, cruise the day before income good time also about 40,000 yuan, October 3 day reached 15 million; the park commercial consumption, including drinks, fast food and tourist souvenirs, the previous day's sales of only 7,000 yuan, on October 3, reached $ 13 million. 7 days, the consolidated revenue of the scenic spots during the holiday season a total of 1.82 million yuan. Of course, even with this income the moment they could not make up for the loss of the scenic spots, income. Reporter learned that, in the past the peak traffic of about 50,000 passengers a day, seventy to eighty million ticket sales. However, Xuanwu Lake remediation completed just landscape to build, there are many supporting facilities are not on, if these in place, we can imagine, operating income will be far more than now. In addition, the free and open also gives impetus to the economic benefits outside the park. These days leading to the Xuanwu Lake subway and bus traffic soared. Even four door temporary furnishings welfare lottery point popularity Wang, a staff member told reporters the day to sell more than 10,000 copies. Far, such like Xuanwu Lake Park is open free to the public welfare scenic the Nanjing has reached about 60. During the holiday season, according to preliminary statistics, the various types of open free to the public welfare scenic accommodation was reached 2.6 million people, accounting for the National Day received a total of about 50% the city's major scenic spots (points). Golden Week tourism income in no way be affected, http://www.uggofficialssjp.com , the city seven days holiday tourism income of 3.396 billion yuan, an increase of 20% over the same period last year. Proportion of ticket sales decreased from 15.9% in the same period last year to 12.56%, but the proportion of shopping, dining, lodging, entertainment and other expenses accounted for 27%, 19.4%, 13% and 9%, respectively, in varying proportions of liters high. Express reporter SUN Lan-lan free management not keep up in a free and open for tourists qualities a test, is also a test for the park side. "Not free Disclaimer Nanjing Tourism Bureau of Parks Secretary Wang Zhen and used to stand on a free and open press conference in Xuanwu Lake. However, from the view of this holiday just past, service and management, there are many places could not keep up with the times. Turn a big circle, nothing fun remediation after the Xuanwu Lake in the new, more beautiful. However, many tourists think the scenery is pretty good, but too monotonous, and no fun. "I feel unable to retain people." Tourists Mr. Wu said, he and his wife took 8-year-old son to play Xuanwumen Go Chui Chau, to Ling Chau two or three hours to go down, tired to death, either lake flower pat photos, or followed the crowd to move forward. "Why people are lining up to go boating ah See such a large park, boating else play it " Mr. Wu said, the park several Playground, at least the kids interested; trip to Man. Eat and drink than the field far worse now than previously, to go to the park to be from home to carry a lot of bread, water and the like, (...) , tired ah. "Fujian to Mr. Yu said, taking advantage of the holiday his children went to Shanghai to visit the World Expo, and the way to Hangzhou and Nanjing, and play a game a few places, and my heart there is a comparison. World Expo ah, but eat and drink can buy everywhere, Xuanwu Lake Service lacks too much not to make money, right "In his eyes, the same free West Lake, on the" smart " many specialty bars, tea houses, hotels, lake ...... the one hand, these stores by the beauty of West Lake Sunray; On the other hand, eating and drinking facilities also retain tourists of the West Lake, the best of both worlds, http://www.hollisterdafrance.com . Other door was deserted scenic Xuanwu Lake 5 door: Xuanwumen, liberation doors, emergency doors, Tsui Chau door, and the door to peace, http://www.michaelkorsshopbusa.com , all opening up access Xuanwumen crush However, the most crowded always Xuanwumen rely Peace Arch followed the train station. The other door is deserted, and is not crowded. "Not what we would like to Xuanwumen squeeze on convenient transportation." Many tourists complain. Like the liberation of the door, the nearest Bus 15 Road, bus station should go a long way to to. Exit door and Tsui Chau doors are the problem. Central Road was easy traffic jam, the Xuanwumen again attracted a large number of passenger, Central Road is even more clogged. Transport facilities for tourists recommended several other doors also can make some adjustments, play a diversion effect. If you own car, would like to find a parking place near the park, it is more difficult. Xuanwu Lake staff also said that the park supporting facilities, (...) , they lack is parking. Not only is the place of the parked cars, even parked bicycle is not enough. Staff "wanted to be Mr. Nice Guy" Yesterday afternoon about two in the Xuanwumen door on the main road, a beggars begging the surrounding tourists lying on the sliding board. There are a lot of small traders also mixed in with the crowd, squeezed into the park, (...) , to sell to tourists bubble wand, rattles and other toys. They can not honestly stand by the roadside selling, but to the people up to the place crowded, http://www.louboutinenlignebfrance.com , and some also from time to time to reach out and pull tourists. "I think, ah, uncivilized behavior and tourists to the quality of a relationship, but management is not in place." Take Abstract osmanthus, the public believes that Mr. Chang, he witnessed Sometimes the staff obviously see someone defloration , approached but did not discourage. Scenic Xuanwu Lake Management Ordinance is not starting from October 1 implementation of it I read the newspaper speaking, these acts are fine Why impunity Still have to take the tube out of it, ah, not because free the on the matter. feeling as if the staff want to be Mr. Nice Guy. "this, Park also said that the huge amount of tourists sudden overload, originally sat office personnel ran to picking up litter or maintain order so that the entire park, which few days really tube, however. Next will summarize the lessons of the holiday period, according to the law to strengthen the management. Express reporter SUN Lan-lan

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